The Evangelical Alliance of Malta
We're evangelical. We're passionate: about God, about the Church and about the Bible.

Why we Exist?

The Evangelical Alliance of Malta exist to help the Evangelical Churches of Malta to communicate the gospel clearly, confidently and powerfully to those who don't yet know Jesus – and see people come to faith.
The Alliance, equips and inspires the Maltese Evangelical Church through:
◦ Sharing inspiring stories of lives transformed by Jesus throughout Malta
◦ Signposting to a wide range of evangelistic initiatives, tools, resources
◦ Telling stories of how individuals and church communities in Malta and beyond, are talking about Jesus, and what they've learnt along the way
◦ Encouraging us all to be praying more for those who don't yet know Jesus.
To inspire a passion for evangelism in our communities – empowering each one of us, and our churches, to be talking about Jesus and praying for those who don't know him yet.
We are on "guard" looking to see who we can save!
Summary of What we Believe

We believe that Scripture is the authoritative, inerrant Word of God, which teaches us that there is one, holy, sovereign and all-knowing God who eternally exists in three coequal persons -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This triune God, from love and for his glory, created all things out of nothing and pronounced them good. Human sinful disobedience separated man from God and affected all of his creation. As a result, we are naturally enslaved to sin and separated from a relationship with God.
While retaining His deity, God became incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ took the sins of the world on himself and redeemed mankind through his life, death and resurrection. All who place their faith in Jesus Christ and his redemptive work experience an intimate relationship with God, both in this present world and in the world to come.
227 Triq il-Kungress Ewkaristiku
Mosta MST 9038, Malta

+356 2726 2726
+356 9966 9966
+356 2726 2726
+356 9966 9966

The Evangelical Alliance of Malta
We're evangelical. We're passionate: about God, about the Church and about the Bible.

Who are we?

The Evangelical Alliance of Malta was founded in November 2007.
The Alliance is a body serving Evangelical Christians in the Malta, and has a member body consisting of churches, organizations and individuals. The Alliance exists to bring unity and cooperation between the different churches and Para-church organizations.
As part of a movement ‘uniting to change society’ the Alliance promotes unity and truth, acts as an evangelical voice to the state, society and the wider church, and works collaboratively with Alliance members and other Evangelicals, to present Christ credibly as good news for spiritual and social transformation.
The Alliance speaks on behalf of its members and represents evangelical concerns to Government, the National Assemblies, the media and key decision-makers. In resourcing its members and encouraging Christians to fully engage in their communities as responsible citizens, the Alliance strives to make evangelical truths publicly accessible.
Why we Exist?

The Evangelical Alliance of Malta exist to help the Evangelical Churches of Malta to communicate the gospel clearly, confidently and powerfully to those who don't yet know Jesus – and see people come to faith.
The Alliance, equips and inspires the Maltese Evangelical Church through:
◦ Sharing inspiring stories of lives transformed by Jesus throughout Malta
◦ Signposting to a wide range of evangelistic initiatives, tools, resources
◦ Telling stories of how individuals and church communities in Malta and beyond, are talking about Jesus, and what they've learnt along the way
◦ Encouraging us all to be praying more for those who don't yet know Jesus.
To inspire a passion for evangelism in our communities – empowering each one of us, and our churches, to be talking about Jesus and praying for those who don't know him yet.
We are on "guard" looking to see who we can save!
Summary of What we Believe

We believe that Scripture is the authoritative, inerrant Word of God, which teaches us that there is one, holy, sovereign and all-knowing God who eternally exists in three coequal persons -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This triune God, from love and for his glory, created all things out of nothing and pronounced them good. Human sinful disobedience separated man from God and affected all of his creation. As a result, we are naturally enslaved to sin and separated from a relationship with God.
While retaining His deity, God became incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ took the sins of the world on himself and redeemed mankind through his life, death and resurrection. All who place their faith in Jesus Christ and his redemptive work experience an intimate relationship with God, both in this present world and in the world to come.
227 Triq il-Kungress Ewkaristiku
Mosta MST 9038, Malta

+356 2726 2726
+356 9966 9966
+356 2726 2726
+356 9966 9966